Friday, October 10, 2014

Cautiously Optimistic

I made it until 3:45 until I couldn't take it anymore and called ORM with my heart pounding. I was on hold for five minutes until the machine picked up, so I hung up. I tried again 10 minutes later with the same result. And then at 4:15 I finally got the call.

I can't believe I get to write this.

It worked. I'm pregnant.

My beta is really low, though. They like to see between 20 and 50 at my clinic, and my level was 20. She said that could be because implantation happened later than expected, or that it'll be a chemical pregnancy. So she told me not to go announcing it to the world, but I should be cautiously optimistic.

Everything else looks OK; my estrogen level is 532 and they like to see it above 500; so we're continuing with the schedule for my meds.

Of course, as soon as I got off the phone and told Cory I started looking for other people online who had similar experiences with low HCG and normal pregnancies. I read that with FETs, it can take longer for implantation to happen; and also for some reason day-5 blastocysts can show lower HCG than day-3. I also read that with levels that low it might be bad news - including one person I know personally who had her beta awhile back and it was 21, and her pregnancy ended. So we're not out of the woods yet. But I certainly do feel cautiously optimistic.


  1. Firstly, congrats on the positive beta! And at 7dp5dt, that number is probably ok. When is your next draw?

    1. I hope it's OK! I tested again this morning and it was a darker line, so I'm feeling pretty confident (though I don't know how chemical pregnancies work in much detail so who knows if I should be confident). Next beta is on Monday.

  2. Here is a link I obsessed over my previous IVF:

    1. Oh, that's a good one! Did you see in my next post that I found one that's even more detailed?
