Monday, August 4, 2014

The Slow Boat

Three years ago next week, a college friend read a post I made on Facebook about our infertility struggles and messaged me, telling me how she empathized with us - as a recently-divorced woman in her mid-thirties she was worried that she wouldn't find someone to start a family with before she couldn't physically have babies any more.

Today, she and her new husband are welcoming their son into the world.

Sometimes it's hard to be in the slow boat, especially when you're overtaken by boats you thought were equally slow - no matter how happy you are that their boats made it safely to the dock.

...And now I will go write "comparison is the thief of joy" on the blackboard 50 times.


  1. "comparison is the thief of joy"
    If you're writing it 50 times, I'll have to write it 150 because damn if I'm not doing all kinds of comparing at the moment.

    Your boat will nestle in safely at the dock, too. Of that, I'm sure.

    1. I wish we wouldn't do that to ourselves. And sometimes I think the worst part of it is that the person I'm comparing myself to (any time I do it) doesn't deserve to be the subject of my comparison; we all have hard rows to hoe and it's not fair to anyone. Oh well.

    2. Yes, me too...In fact, I think I'm going to need a much bigger blackboard!

  2. I understand where you are. The slow boat is no fun. I've been on it for so long and hope your time to jump off is very soon.

    1. I'm so happy that you found your dock! I can't wait to hear all about this new chapter in your life. :)

  3. Wise words, friend. Our slow boats will reach shore someday.

    1. I guess the slower you go the more you can look out at the pretty scenery, eh? :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I can relate to that last line so well... I keep telling myself all we have is right here, right now. With you in solidarity and wishing you smooth sailing!

  6. Here from ICLW. Comparison is the thief of joy indeed. Doesn't mean you're not pleased for them. But it is another reminder of how hard things are for you (us). And that isn't always easy. So don't beat yourself up for feeling that way.
