Our tenth anniversary was a couple of weeks ago, and we celebrated by driving out to the Black Hills and looking at things along the way (and the way back). It was nice. I did a renaissance faire (have I talked about that here? I sing soprano for an elizabethan music group, and we do the Oregon faire circuit) and have another in September. Work is slowish but steady. And with the last check I sent to the IVF loan company, I took a look at the remaining vouchers and I have only ten left. So less than a year until we can start again!
I've been doing yoga for the past few months. I tried so hard to love running, and sometimes I felt like I did, but in the end I just couldn't do it anymore. Yoga feels more me, though I'm having the same problem sticking to more than my once-a-week class. It's hard when so many other things at home beg for a few minutes here and there.
I saw a naturopath in May. She did a blood workup (vitamin D deficient! Who else isn't surprised?) and gave me some pointers on nutrition. They were things I already knew, but I was primed to hear them this time, and I've lost 17 pounds since then. The yoga, and also having a standing desk at work, definitely help; but I'm sure most of it is because of the change in diet. It feels really nice to fit so much more easily into some of my clothes, instead of feeling like a stuffed sausage. Heh.
I'm pondering starting a vlog when things pick back up again with IVF. Do any of you have experience with vlogging? Do you watch infertility vlogs?